Sulzer Mixing and Reaction Technology


Static Mixing and Reaction Technology


What is static mixing?

Static mixers are tubular internals that produce desired mixing and dispersion effects as the fluid flows around motionless mixer parts. The fluid flow is provided by pumping.


Turbulent mixers

SMV, Turbulent mixing with highest mass transfer rate

SMV Gas Mixer, Shortest Mixing Length

ContourTM Gas Mixer, Optimized turbulent flow

SMI and KVM, turbulent mixing without clogging

CompaXTM, Shortest space requirement


Laminar mixers

SMXTM, Gentle and efficient mixing of viscous products

SMXTM plusTM, Excellent mixing with lowest pressure drop


Heat exchangers

•SMR, Plug flow behavior with large heat exchange area for applications with demanding rheology

•SMXLTM, Enhanced heat transfer for highly viscous products.


Unit operations


•Dispersing and Contacting


•Heat exchange and Reaction


Why Sulzer:

Leading and pace-making technology

Most energy efficient mixer designs for key markets

Broad application know-how

Global support

Competitive pricing due to global manufacturing platforms

Customer benefits:

Small volumes

Low maintenance

Simple installation and cleaning

Excellent reliability